Against All Odds:In The Search Of Miracles

 The eminent Reb Meir  Margolios,  the  author  of "Meir Nesivim" and chief judge of the Beis  Din  of Ostrow, and his brother,  the  celebrated  Reb  Yitzchok Dov Ber, chief justice of the court  in Yazlovitz,  were both  dedicated   disciples  of  the  Baal  Shem Tov.

Once, after spending the Shabbos by their holy rebbe, they wished to take their leave on motzoei Shab­bos  and  receive  his blessing.

"My sons !" said the :Baal Shem Tov to them. "So dear  are you to me,  so great is my love for you,  that I wish to have you always close to me. I possess a valuable, hand-written  siddur